To all Oak Hollow Sailing Club Members:
Attached please find the advertising information for our Open House and Fun Days (poster and club brochure) that will be placed at the marina and advertised around town in various locations. If you have any friends who are possibly interested in sailing, please forward this to them so they have the dates and times. The best advertisement for our club is “word-of-mouth” (or emails) from our members to their friends.
The Open House (on Tuesday, May 14, 6:30 p.m.) is a casual gathering intended to introduce anyone new (who is interested in sailing) to our club officers and members – we discuss the club briefly and introduce some basic sailing concepts in the Marina’s conference room. This is NOT a required meeting by any means – just an ice breaker for folks who are trying to decide if they want to sail, and/or join the sailing club. The Sunday, May 19, Fun Day will be the main day you will want to try to attend. It will be with our sailboats and members, and is a combination of introduction to sailing, actual sailing, fellowship, and refreshments. We have added another day like that to our events calendar this year which will be Saturday, June 22. Our plan is to use that day for a more formal training and teaching day for our new members who need instruction.
We hope to see you for any, or all of those events.
Paul Walter
Oak Hollow Sailing Club