May 2022 Gunkhole Regatta / P.R.O. Training

Despite isolated rain showers and storms popping up all around us, Saturday’s combination P.R.O. Training/Gunhole was a success! The P.R.O. training started at 9:30 am with about a dozen in attendence and went till about 10:30 am at which time we rolled straight in to the skipper’s meeting for our May Gunkhole Regatta.

The starting signal for the regatta sounded at about noon with six brave sailors across four boats vying for the oar. Winds were light at the start, but picked up during the race with intermittent light rain. All sailors returned to shore by around 3 pm. Thankfully, heavy rain held off until everyone had secured their boats and gear!

Congrats to Mike Vitamvas who won the event on his US1 and went home with the oar, our traveling trophy! 2nd place went to Sue Cole, 3rd place to Gary Gooden/Bailey Jones, and 4th to Chris and Mary Malcolm.

Huge thanks to Roger for passing on his wisdom during the P.R.O. training.

Check out our photo galleries: P.R.O. Training pictures, May Gunkhole pictures.