June Regatta

DSCN1256Oak Hollow Sailing Club sailors:
Our next regatta will be held June 20th at the North Marina, with the Skipper’s Meeting scheduled for 10:30 a.m. All sailors who plan to sail should have their boats rigged BEFORE the meeting begins. We still need volunteers for race committee.
We’re looking forward to sailing and celebrating with you this weekend. Anyone participating including volunteers can RSVP: http://www.summersailstice.com/event/oak-hollow-sailing-club-summer-sailstice-regatta bEnter your name and email so we can we see who’s coming, communicate plans, and share our event with other Sailstice sailors around the globe! You’ll also be entered for a chance to win the Sunsail BVI charter, a Hobie kayak, Go Pro or one of the hundreds of other Summer Sailstice prizes.
If you plan to sail and/or crew, please go to the below link and sign up on our Scratch Sheet listed below. Also, for members without boats that are trained, the club has a Sunfish and Harpoon available for rent (and the City Marina has several for rent). Please contact me as soon as possible if you want to rent a Club boat. **Daniel Marquez has reserved the Club Sunfish. Another Sunfish is still available.


Sunday is our Club training Day in which many members will be at the lake to sail. If you have paid for training and not yet been trained, Andy Squint, will be available at 1pm. At 2pm, everyone in attendance will get trained on sail shape. New members, this would be a great day to go to the lake!
Fair Winds!
Stephanie De Lair
2015 Commodore
Oak Hollow Sailing Club

May 2015 Regatta

100_4135OHSC had a beautiful day for our May regatta, with a turnout of approximately 33 in attendance including three guests, Bruce and Sally Leigh along with son Eric. Bruce and Sally were at our Open House this week and will officially become new members. The winds varied greatly for the 12 boats that sailed. One even got caught in a vortex. Ask Art Martz about that at our next social!
Thank you to Linda Shuee who provided morning refreshments along with new member Teri DeCurtis for handling apparel sales with Rosalie Austin. Teri also went out on the RC boat for the duration of the regatta to capture action photos.
Joe O’Sullivan was our PRO and will be missed greatly when he moves out of state in June to live near family. Joe as our First Vice Commodore embraced this position and has made great strides with Race Committee procedures and organization this season. Thank you for all your efforts! Thanks to Kim Walker, Mike Schram, Dan Shuee and Henry Dorn for handling race committee duties. During our Skipper’s meeting, Andy Squint and Phil Andrews reviewed overlapping rules.
We had some consistent results yesterday. Phil Andrews took first place in all three races, Tait And Leslie Humphries took second place and new member, Eddie Sawyer third place.

Full results and scoring are HERE
Stephanie DeLair
2015 Commodore
Oak Hollow Sailing Club

OHSC May Regatta

240720Oak Hollow Sailing Club will be holding its next Regatta this Saturday, May16th, at the North Marina, with the Skipper’s Meeting scheduled for 10:30 a.m.
All sailors who plan to sail should have their boats rigged BEFORE the meeting begins. Race committee duties are being handled by Mike Schram, Kim Walker. We still need volunteers for race committee and refreshments.
If you plan to sail and/or crew, please go to the below link and sign up on our Scratch Sheet. Also, for members without boats that are trained, the club has a Sunfish and Harpoon available for rent (and the City Marina has several for rent). Please contact Paul Walter at pewalterjr@yahoo.com if interested in renting a Club boat.
Wishing for wind!
Stephanie De Lair
2015 Commodore
Oak Hollow Sailing Club

OHSC May events

100_2663Warmer weather is finally here! We have a number of events planned for May. Please sign up on the volunteer sheet below for Race Committee, Refreshments and Apparel Sales and as a Skipper on Fun Day…
Tuesday, May 12 – 6:30pm – Open House at Oak Hollow Marina Conference Room
Please invite any friends who would like to learn more and may be interested in joining.
Saturday, May 16th – 10:30am Skipper’s meeting for regatta
Sign-up sheet forthcoming….
Sunday, May 17th – 1-5pm Community Fun Day
This is an opportunity for members to give rides to friends who may be interested in learning to sail and/or joining OHSC. Also, new members, get out on the water and sail with an experienced skipper.
Thursday, May 28th – 6pm – Social- location tbd

The above link is to the 2015 OHSC Volunteer signup sheet. Please look at your calendars and decide when you can serve on Race Committee, Refreshments or Apparel Sales. Go to the link and type in your name on the month you would like to serve. Ideally, we SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM OF FOUR TO FIVE ADULTS signed up for each race date on RC for safety reasons. Once you have signed up, you will be contacted just prior to your scheduled date by Joe O’Sullivan for Race Committee, Carrie Clemmer for refreshments or Melissa Palmer for Apparel Sales.
Stephanie De Lair
2015 Commodore
Oak Hollow Sailing Club

April 2015 Regatta

100_2075OHSC held its Opening Day Regatta on Saturday, April 18th, with a turnout of approximately 33 in attendance including one guest. We had warm, sunny weather and very low winds for our 16 boats who sailed.
Thank you to Carrie and Billy Clemmer who provided morning refreshments along with new members Dari and Lauren Starkey for handling apparel sales. This was the first regatta since our new Race Committee and safety procedures were put in effect. The entire RC team did a stellar job and should be commended! Thanks to Carl Simmons, Tait Humphries, Linda Marsh, John Fulcher and Sean Hommel for handling race committee duties. Tait went over some basic safety instructions and Andy Squint reviewed right-of-way rules before we began.
It was great to see different race winners. Congratulations to Paul Walter who won Race 1. Also, congratulations to Race 2 winners, Melissa Palmer and Rosalie Austin. Race 3 was cancelled due to weather. Congratulations to Chuck Reavis for consistent sailing with two 3rd place finishes. (Paul, I guess you owe yourself $20 and Melissa $20. This could get expensive!)
Full results and scoring are attached below…
Stephanie DeLair
2015 Commodore
Oak Hollow Sailing Club