OHSC May Regatta
Oak Hollow Sailing Club held its May Regatta on Saturday, May 17 under mostly sunny skies and with average winds ranging between 7 and 10 mph, with higher gusts. Thirteen boats participated with 24 total sailors. Race committee duties were handled by Chris Malcolm and Paul Walter, with early morning help from Tom Kirkman. Thank you to Connie Sloan for providing our morning refreshments (great fruit and pastries). Thank you also to Mike and Marie Schram and Michael Nordahl for bringing their motors as RC boat back-ups. We would like to send special thanks to High Point Rowing Club for allowing us to use one of their john boats so we could proceed with our regatta in a normal fashion.
We had one guest who visited, joined, and sailed as crew with Les Eger, Jimmy McClean. Welcome aboard, Jimmy!
We were able to run three one-lap races, in which 13 boats started at least one race. Congratulations to Phil Andrews for winning all three races, to Gary and Art Hudgins for their 2nd place finish in Race 1, and to Michael Nordahl and Stephanie DeLair for their two second place finishes in Races 2 and 3. Abby Roletter (one of our few high school members) captained for the first time and she is to be commended for her steady improvement in each of the three races, finishing 10th, 6th, and 4th respectively. Way to go, Abby! (Thanks, Mark for sailing with Abby in your Daysailor).
Final results are attached including full handicap scoring.
Thanks to all who participated!