OHSC May Regatta

100_3612Oak Hollow Sailing Club held its May Regatta on Saturday, May 17 under mostly sunny skies and with average winds ranging between 7 and 10 mph, with higher gusts. Thirteen boats participated with 24 total sailors. Race committee duties were handled by Chris Malcolm and Paul Walter, with early morning help from Tom Kirkman. Thank you to Connie Sloan for providing our morning refreshments (great fruit and pastries). Thank you also to Mike and Marie Schram and Michael Nordahl for bringing their motors as RC boat back-ups. We would like to send special thanks to High Point Rowing Club for allowing us to use one of their john boats so we could proceed with our regatta in a normal fashion.
We had one guest who visited, joined, and sailed as crew with Les Eger, Jimmy McClean. Welcome aboard, Jimmy!
We were able to run three one-lap races, in which 13 boats started at least one race. Congratulations to Phil Andrews for winning all three races, to Gary and Art Hudgins for their 2nd place finish in Race 1, and to Michael Nordahl and Stephanie DeLair for their two second place finishes in Races 2 and 3. Abby Roletter (one of our few high school members) captained for the first time and she is to be commended for her steady improvement in each of the three races, finishing 10th, 6th, and 4th respectively. Way to go, Abby! (Thanks, Mark for sailing with Abby in your Daysailor).

Final results are attached including full handicap scoring.

Thanks to all who participated!

OHSC May Events

100_2663May has historically been the sailing club’s busiest month, and this year is no exception.  This is a reminder of our upcoming May events.  They are as follow:
May 9 to 11:  Camp and Sail as Jordan Lake  (you may contact Stephanie DeLair or Tait Humphries for more information (mailto:humphrie@wakehealth.edu  or golfgirldelair@yahoo.com)
Tuesday, May 13: 6:30 p.m.: Open House for the community for anyone interested in learning more about sailing or in joining the club (at City Marina building conference room)*
Saturday, May 17: May Regatta
Sunday, May 18: Community Fun Day**
*All of our members are invited to attend the Open House, however, this is a just a short event to introduce potential new members to the club and to invite them to Fun Day and future events.  Most of our board members try to attend, so we usually have good representation at the Open House.
**We encourage all of our members to try to attend our Fun Day on Sunday, May 18.  This event has received widespread publicity from O’Henry Magazine’s May edition, and we have advertised it ourselves in various locations.  If the weather is good on May 18, we could have a large turnout for refreshments and sailboat rides.  All of our members with boats are strongly encouraged to attend so that we have enough boats to provide rides to those who would like them that day. We plan to run the event from 11 a.m. until mid-afternoon.
Looking forward to seeing you at the lake!
Paul Walter
2014 Commodore
Oak Hollow Sailing Club


On Saturday, April 19, 2014, Oak Hollow Sailing Club opened its sailing season under rainy and gusty conditions. We had a great turnout with 30 members showing up for sailing, fellowship, and refreshments. We had several of our new members present, the Bouls (Steven, Sandy, and Beth) and Chris Malcolm, and several guests, Jessica and Leah, from Germany, who are exchange students who visited with Becky White.

Refreshments were provided by Mike and Marie Schram and Jerry Eldred and Connie Sloan. Thank you for providing those! They were much-needed as we waited out the rain.

Race committee duties were handled by Tom Kirkman and Tait and Ty Humphries, and they used some new technology for the starts and scoring, along with the improved flag raising and lowering system engineered and installed by Tom. Thanks guys! The day provided proof of the importance of having at least three adults on the committee boat, as there were multiple capsizes, with one severe enough to require the assistance of the safety boat to get sailors out of the water, and assistance in getting a turtled boat righted (with the centerboard retracted). Tait and Ty handled the processes very ably. Thank you guys (from Robert and me). Robert asked that it be passed along to everyone the importance of securing your PFD properly and securely. He said he has had a habit of wearing his too loosely (as he did yesterday), and it caused some initial problems for him when he found himself in the water. There were some good lessons learned from that event.

We had 17 boats signed up on the scratch sheet, but many of our mono-hull sailors wisely decided NOT to sail. Winds gusted to almost 30 mph, with sustained winds between 9 and 12 mph. We had a total of seven boats that participated. Some of us were able to complete 3 races, while a few of us apparently decided a “swim” was a good idea. Capsizes and equipment problems resulted in just three boats starting and completing the third race. Congratulations to race winners Phil Andrews (races 1 and 2) and Warren Mitchell (race 3) and to Michael Nordahl and Stephanie DeLair for three 2nd place finishes. Full results and handicap scoring are attached.

Thank you to all who showed up! It was great to see everyone again after the difficult winter.

Our next event is the May 13th Open House at 6:30 pm at the City Marina conference room, followed by our May Regatta on May 17, and then our Community Fun Day on Sunday, May 18.


Paul Walter
2014 Commodore

2014 OHSC Social Dates

OHSC members,
Our first two socials of the year have been a lot of fun!  If you have been unable to attend, we hope you can join us soon.  Mark your calendar with the following tentative dates beginning at 6pm.  Locations will be determined as the event gets closer.  As always, an email reminder will go out with complete details several days prior to the event.

Thursday, May 22
Thursday, June 12
Thursday, July 24
Thursday, August 7
Thursday, September 11
Thursday, October 30
Thursday, November 13
Thursday, December 11

Stephanie De Lair
2014 Secretary
Oak Hollow Sailing Club ⛵️

April 2014 Regatta

Saturday, April 19, 2014, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
North Marina, 3700 Waterview Rd., High Point, NC 27265
Boat rigging and launching: 9:30 a.m (or earlier) to 10:30 a.m.
Captains’ Meeting: 10:30 a.m. Shelter #6 (on the hill back in the wooded area)
First Race: 11:30 a.m.

To all OHSC Members and guests:
Saturday marks the official “Opening Day” for our 2014 Sailing Season, and what a tremendous response we are having from our members and others who are hearing about our club! If the weather forecast holds, we are expecting between 15 and 20 boats for our first regatta of the season, which is three times more than we usually have in April. What a start!

Race Committee duties are being handled by Tait or Leslie Humphries, and new members Steven and Sandra Boul. Mike and Marie Schram are providing refreshments. Also anyone who is attending is welcome to bring some snack or drink items, as we are going to have a great turnout.

The current forecast for Saturday (which has been waffling back and forth between Partly Sunny and Showers) is showing Partly Sunny with winds (during race hours) of 6 to 9 mph, with gusts into double digits. Water temperature should be around 60 degrees.

PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL HAVE SHELTER #6, WHICH IS ON THE TOP OF THE HILL BACK IN THE WOODS (for this event only, and then for our future events we will be in Shelter #5 near the dock).

We are going to make every effort to get all of our guests who want to participate onto a boat, with our new members getting first opportunity. To all boat captains, if you are going to need crew, please let me know, so that I can begin finding boats for those who want to sail.

For any members who have sailing experience and need a boat, the club’s Sunfish will be available to rent for $25 for the day. We expect the Harpoon 4.6 will be committed in order to accommodate one or two of our guests.

See you all on Saturday morning!


Paul Walter
2014 OHSC Commodore