Camps for the Y Adventure Sail

Optimized-AdventureSailFlyer2OHSC Members,

Camps for the Y Adventure Sail program at Oak Hollow Lake will be held on the following dates:

Week of . . . June 27th, Monday thru Friday mornings, 10 to 15 kids (8:30am-11:30am)

. . . July 11th, Monday thru Thursday mornings, 20 kids (9am-12:30 –  NEED VOLUNTEERS)

. . . July 18th, Monday thru Thursday mornings, 20 kids (9am-12:30 – NEED VOLUNTEERS)

They will be using Opti sailboats for the camps.  They will have on-shore and on-water training and the kids will be of late elementary and middle school age ranges.

They need volunteers to help teach kids to sail and hope some of you from Oak Hollow Sailing Club may want to participate. Contact Chuck Hoover at 336-972-3022 or for additional information.

OHSC Fun Day

Optimized-OHSC052116-35-1FUN Day

We had a FABULOUS day of socialization and sailing at Sunday FUN DAY on May 22nd at the lake. Guests enjoyed sunny skies, temperatures in the mid-70’s and wind speeds ranging from 10-15kts with gusts close to 20.

42 Oak Hollow Sailing Club members attended which included 14 of our newest members. In addition, we had over 40 guests join us for refreshments and boat rides throughout the afternoon. Our total attendance for this event was over 80 people. In addition, five other families expressed an interest in joining and took applications home with them.

A special thanks to our gracious volunteers! Pam Lineberry handled refreshments and PFD’s, while Teri DeCurtis, Rosalie Austin, Janet and Bill Inmon registered our guests. Ian Lee, Henry Lee and Dean Mattern provided dock support. Roger Bates and Phil Andrews were on water patrol in the Jon boat. Eleven Skippers were out on the water at various times showing guests what sailing was all about. For many, this was their first sailing experience. Skippers included: Bruce Leigh, Gary Gooden, Mark Benham, Michael Nordahl, Paul Walter, Jerry and Gene Eldred, Alan Taylor, Warren Mitchell, Andy Squint and family, Linda Marsh and John Fulcher. (Please forgive me if I missed anyone.)

See you out on the water again soon!

Mayor’s Cup at LTYC

Mayors Cup 2016v2Ahoy Everyone!
This is a reminder that the 39th Mayor’s Cup will be held at Lake Townsend on June 4-5.
On Friday June 3, we will be setting up and the lake will be open late if you want to take advantage of a rare night sail.
Today is the last day to order T-Shirts for the Mayor’s Cup.  If you register by 5/30 you will get a $5 discount on your entry fee.
Here is the link to the NOR
Registration is open at (also accessible from LTYC website)
There are still openings on Race Committee and Shore Support.  Folks, if you want to learn firsthand how to do Race Committee, this is your chance.  You can volunteer one day or both.
If you are able to help on Race Committee or Shore Support please sign-up on the scratch sheet.
Feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested.
See you “On The Townsend”,
Alan Taylor _/)
Mayor’s Cup Chair

May 2016 Regatta

Optimized-100_5693Our May regatta was this past Saturday, May 21, with about 36 members present along with several guests. We had very warm, sunny weather with winds around 3-5kts with averages much less than that. Thirteen boats participated in the regatta.

Race committee was handled by PRO Alan Taylor with a crew of newbies including Teri DeCurtis, Dean and Debra Mattern and Bruce Leigh.   Considering the challenging, light wind and constant wind shifts, they did a tremendous job running two races in those conditions.  Also volunteering were Rosalie Austin and Sally Leigh, who handled the apparel sales. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for volunteering!  Congratulations to Paul Walter and Michael Nordahl who were the two individual race winners.  Three of the five “Women on the Water” sailors participated.  One of these women, Annette Grefe, took her hand at the helm and placed second in both races!